WomenReviewed.com is staffed by independent reviewers with vast experience and knowledge in the area of female enhancement and healthcare. These select few contributors are not paid for their reviews at any point and volunteer their expertise and knowledge on their own accord. They have also been chosen because they have used a variety of these products themselves. Please note - * WomenReviewed.com DOES NOT ACCEPT PAID ADVERTISING - NOR DO WE ACCEPT PAYMENT FOR OUR REVIEWS. This helps keep us independent and free to tell our honest opinion regarding the products we review.
WomenReviewed.com is committed to providing the most unbiased, accurate, and honest reviews about female enhancement products for women today. We have been online for almost 18 years, making us one of the oldest and most trusted female enhancement review sites online. The reviews found here are meant to provide a detailed analysis of the product and rate them based on a variety of factors like safety, value, reputation, and customer service.
Keep in mind that when it comes to ranking our top rated products, because many of them are very close in quality and effectiveness, the difference in their rankings might be very slight. Two products may be almost identical in effectiveness and quality, so we may rank one slightly higher if it has a better price. Basically, if a product or program makes our list of top 5 or even top 10 products - you can be assured it's a very good product no matter which one you choose. Our researchers judge all the female enhancement and skin care products on a strict set of criteria.
The 10 Criteria we use for Female Healthcare Products
Female enhancement products are an excellent option for women looking to increase female libido and enhance their sexual pleasure . As women get older and estrogen levels begin to decline, female libido and arousal can be seriously affected The products mentioned on this website have the power to reverse these negative effects and restore your libido and enjoyment of sex.
Meet our Panel
Samantha Boll - Age: 35
Samantha is one of the original editors at WomenReviewed.com. Having been covering the female enhancement industry in print and online media for almost a decade, you'd be hard pressed to find a female enhancement product, or technique that Samantha hasn't heard of. She has spent hundreds of hours reviewing products, assessing clinical trials and studies, and gathering feedback from actual customers.
Over the years Samantha has written several published articles on natural female health products and conducted hundreds of reviews for various publications. We value her experience and insight and think you will too. With the huge number of sexual enhancement products available for women - choosing the right one can seem like an overwhelming task.
Samantha's biggest concern is making sure that women get good value for their money. "We all know how tight money is for most people right now following the 'Great Recession'....the fact is that a lot of products are a waste of money and this can make ladies leery about purchasing some of these products. The fact is that the best products work extremely well and will make a big difference in most women's sex lives. I just want to make sure they don't spend their money on low quality products - there's a lot of great products out there that work - the only trick is separating the quality products from the imitations - and that's what I try to do".
Samantha contributes countless hours of her own time to help women discover the life-changing products that she's used herself - and we owe her a huge thanks for contributing reviews for this site. Samantha is married with a teenage boy and a 6-year old girl, and has 2 labradoodles that take up most of her spare time. Comments or questions can be directed to s.boll@womenreviewed.com.
Maria P. - Age: 31
Maria suffered from low female sex drive for a number of years before she decided she had enough. She began a diet of natural foods, reduced her sugar intake, and started supplementing with a natural female enhancement capsule. As a result - she's now lost 25 lbs. and her sex life is the best it's ever been. Maria thinks the biggest roadblock for women seeking help with their libido is generally in their mind. "For years, men have had a number of sexual enhancement products at their disposal which have drastically improved their ability to perform and enjoy a good sex life. Only in the last few years has it become "acceptable" to admit that women have these problems too - and they need to be addressed. Women need to understand that a decrease in sexual desire is definitely not their fault - and more importantly, that there are many avenues to treat and correct female libido issues".
Maria has extensive history with herbal female enhancement products and is a valuable panel member here at WomenReviewed.com. Maria currently lives in San Diego with her husband of 12 years and 3 young children. In her spare time she enjoys surfing gardening, and cooking. Comments or questions can be directed to maria.p@womenreviewed.com.
Cheryl Powers - Age: 27
Cheryl is also one of our resident experts in natural weight loss as she has studied hundreds of products that claim to help women lose weight. Cheryl has successfully overcome her own issues with food and weight gain as she lost over 50 pounds 4 years ago - and has been extremely successful in keeping the weight off. She has tried many weight loss programs and diet pills and knows first hand which ones really work and which ones are a waste of money. "I know what it's like to be disappointed when a product doesn't even come close to living up to it's claims. But I've also tried products that really do work - and it's important to me that women know the truth about what's out there."
Cheryl has been engaged for 1 year and will soon be marrying her high school sweetheart - Eric. After the 'honeymoon is over' Cheryl and her partner are hoping to buy their first house, and starting a family is high on the priority list. Cheryl is keen to share her success and failures with women who want to try these natural products for themselves - so feel free to contact her. Comments or questions can be directed to cheryl.powers@womenreviewed.com.
Teri Williams - Age: 43
Teri has 'sampled' a variety of female sexual enhancement pills and creams, and most of them have had an effect that improved her sexual enjoyment in some way. Some products are little more than lubes or sensation creams - but some products actually provided some extremely positive results. Overall she says she has tried many products to improve her sexual enjoyment, and has found the experiences "overwhelmingly positive". While she says that "of course there are products to stay away from, there are several high quality female enhancers that will make a big difference in a woman's sex life. If you do your homework, you'll find a product that works for you.....and that's what this site is for."
Teri is currently enjoying all that 'single life' has to offer, and feels that the 'enhancements' she has made to her sexual repertoire are largely responsible for what she describes as "a way better sex life than a girl my age should have!" She feels confident that any woman can dramatically improve their sex lives through natural supplementation. Comments or questions can be sent to t.williams@womenreviewed.com.
Here are some of our recommended resources/authors with excellent information on female sexual health and sex related topics.
Dr. Jenn is a frequent lecturer on relationship and intimacy topics. From wine bars to yoga studies, college classrooms to senior centers, and the LGBT community center to Mensa gatherings and CEO Valentine's events, Dr. Jenn offers unique and powerful presentations on healthy communication and fulfilling intimacy. She has also been an adjunct professor for courses including Human Sexuality, Women & Health, and Social Psychology. Dr. Jenn has written for The Good Men Project and Pacific San Diego Magazine, and has been a Sex & Relationship Expert for a variety of San Diego morning news, including Wake Up San Diego, Fox 5 News, and San Diego Living.
Dr. Marlene Wasserman (BA. Social Work (Hons), M.Clinical Social Work (cum laude), DHS (Doctorate in Human Sexuality, Institute of Advanced Studies in Human Sexuality, San Francisco ), AASECT (American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists) certified Couple & Sex Therapist, Fellow in Sexual Medicine, is a Clinical Sexologist, Couple & Sex Therapist and Sexual Medicine Consultant, in Private Practice. Marlene specializes in Cyber Infidelity, Infidelity, Intimacy Trauma and Complex Modern Day Relationships.
Dr. Streicher is a graduate of the University of Illinois College of Medicine . Following an internship in Internal Medicine at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, she completed a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center. She is currently a Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University’s medical school, The Feinberg School of Medicine and the founder and medical director of the Northwestern Medicine Center for Sexual Health and Menopause .
Considered a thought leader in her field, Dr. Streicher regularly appears in national and local media outlets discussing all aspects of health. Dr. Streicher is a recurring guest on WGN Morning News, The Today Show, The Steve Harvey Show , Good Morning America,The Dr. Oz Show, and Megyn Kelly Today. She has also appeared on CNN, Nightline, 20/20, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Windy City Live, ABC World News Tonight, and Nightline,
She is on the medical advisory board and is a columnist for Prevention Magazine. She is the author of a comprehensive menopause and sexual health book: Sex Rx: Hormones, Health and Your Best Sex Ever. Dr. Streicher has also published, The Essential Guide to Hysterectomy.
Thanks for taking the time to meet our 'female product specialists'. The fact is that they're just regular women like you who've improved their sexual enjoyment and sex drive - and are trying to pass their experience on so that other women can get valuable information about natural libido enhancement products - without getting ripped off. Just like with any other purchase in life, when it comes down to female enhancement products, the old cliche about 'buyer beware' is very true. In every walk of life there are a lot of people out there who are nothing more than scam artists trying to make a quick buck.
However, if you stick with trusted, reputable products and companies that have stood the test of time, chances are you'll be rewarded with a quality product at an affordable price. Our goal is to try and help you discover which products are worth your time and money - and help you make an informed decision. We hope you find this site helpful in your quest to super-charge your sex life - thanks for visiting!